In this article, we will analyze whether happiness in this life is possible.
Thomas Aquinas’ Argument
A certain participation of Happiness can be had in this life, but perfect and true Happiness cannot be had in this life. This may be seen from a twofold consideration.
First, from the general notion of happiness. Since happiness is a perfect and sufficient good, it excludes every evil and fulfills every desire. But in this life, every evil cannot be excluded. This present life is subject to many unavoidable evils such as ignorance on the part of the intellect, inordinate affection on the part of the appetite, and many penalties on the part of the body as Augustine sets forth in “City of God”.
Likewise, neither can the desire for good be satiated in this life. For man naturally desires the good to be everlasting. Now the goods of the present life pass away since life itself passes away, which we naturally desire to have, and would wish to hold forever, for man naturally shrinks from death. Therefore it is impossible to have true Happiness in this life.
Secondly, from a consideration of the specific nature of Happiness, the vision of the Divine Essence, which man cannot obtain in this life. Hence it is evident that none can attain true and perfect Happiness in this life.
Objection 1: The righteous can be happy
It would seem that Happiness can be had in this life. For it is written (Ps. 118:1): Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. But this happens in this life. Therefore one can be happy in this life.
Aquinas’ Response
Some are said to be happy in this life, either on account of the hope of obtaining Happiness in the life to come, according to Rom. 8:24: We are saved by hope; or on account of a certain participation of Happiness, by reason of a kind of enjoyment of the Sovereign Good such as in doing good works.
Objection 2: Loving God in this life can make one happy
Further, imperfect participation in the Sovereign Good does not destroy the nature of Happiness, otherwise one would not be happier than another. But men can participate in the Sovereign Good in this life, by knowing and loving God, albeit imperfectly. Therefore man can be happy in this life.
Aquinas’ Response
The imperfection of participated Happiness is due to one of two causes.
First, on the part of the object of Happiness (God), which is not seen in Its Essence and this imperfection destroys the nature of true Happiness.
Secondly, the imperfection may be on the part of the participator, who indeed attains the object of Happiness, namely God, imperfectly, however, in comparison with the way in which God knows Himself. This imperfection does not destroy the true nature of Happiness, because, since Happiness is an operation, the true nature of Happiness is taken from the object (God) and not from the subject (man).
Objection 3: People say they are happy
Further, what is said by many cannot be altogether false, since what is in many, comes from nature and nature does not fail altogether. Now many say that Happiness can be had in this life, as appears from Ps. 143:15: They have called the people happy that hath these things, meaning, the good things in this life. Therefore one can be happy in this life.
Aquinas’ Response
Men recognize that there is some kind of happiness to be had in this life, on account of a certain likeness to true Happiness. And thus they do not fail altogether in their estimation.
The kind of Happiness that Aquinas is referring to is true and perfect Happiness. What we commonly understand as happiness is a positive response when something good happens to us. Now Aquinas agrees that this is a participation of Happiness, but it is not true and perfect Happiness.
What makes Happiness true and perfect is it is everlasting and fulfilling, contrast that with the emotional joy we feel when we are “happy”, it doesn’t last forever, and as soon as we become happy anxiety quickly approaches as we fear losing our source of happiness. This is not to say that this is not some kind of happiness, rather, Aquinas is saying this is a participation of Happiness.
Aquinas argues that happiness is the possession of a desired good, and the way to be truly and perfectly happy is to obtain the Ultimate Good, namely, God.