This is quite possibly my 324523423rd attempt at a blog. Not necessarily Substack (ex-Wordpresser here) but the process is more or less the same. Substack should be better because I don’t have to manage the mailing list and I don’t have to pay Mail Chimp a billion dollars to send an email.
What You Can Expect
To be honest I’m not sure. I love to write but have no time to write. This means I will post every day or every other month. Okay, but what will I write about when I do write? My first temptation is to write about apologetics, or defending the faith, but too many people do too good a job at this. I could find my own niche in this world and perhaps I will. Other options are cultural commentary or pseudo-political commentary, but neither really interests me and other people do it better.
But isn’t your Substack called “The Daily Catholic” maybe write about that? True, but my favorite Substack is Ethan Strauss’ “House of Strauss” and his Substack is not about houses…but point taken.
Here’s what I will say, whatever it is I do write about it’ll be thoughtful, hopefully funny, and insightful. I don’t know what it will be about, but it will always be something I care about and hopefully something you’ll find interesting.
gratias Deo